We’ve been spending a lot of time up in Manchester in recent months, working with Cisco to advise and assist at the brand-new Mi-IDEAinnovation centre, where we’re thrilled to have been selected as the sole provider of their access control! We had a fabulous end to the last week as we motored our way up to Manchester for the building’s official launch party.
Mi-IDEA is located in the Bright Building, one of the most technology-enabled buildings in Europe, and is located at the heart of the Manchester Science Park on the university campus. The Bright Building was conceived as the nerve-centre of digital innovation in the north-west, with integrated smart systems and a light and airy design which have seen it described as ‘a bright space, for bright people with bright ideas’ — a natural fit for Doordeck, we hope! These latest inroads give us the opportunity to reach more users than ever before and offer us a fantastic showcase to raise our profile in the north-west. We’re also discussing the possibility of further integration with the Paxton 10 access control system which serves the rest of the building, potentially offering every single building user the opportunity to sample the Doordeck interface. Watch this space!
Our close association with Mi-IDEA has also provided us with our first base of operations outside London, and we’ll be working more from Manchester as we collaborate with Manchester Science Partnerships, as well as following up potential sales and investment leads in the north-west. This has all been made possible thanks to Cisco’s continued championing of Doordeck, and we’re hugely excited by the prospect of further opportunities as we work through the Cisco Solution Partner Programme on our way towards becoming an official Cisco Partner. Their support and advice has proved to be invaluable in helping us secure sales leads and continuing to develop our product.
And so our Northern adventure continues! As ever, please do not hesitate to get in touch — either in London or Manchester! — if you have any questions about Doordeck.
If you’d like to know more about Doordeck or see it in action, we’d love to chat to you — find out more at Doordeck.com, give us a call on (+44) 020 3434 1020, or email us any time at info@doordeck.com.
For press enquiries, contact Olly Browning — olly@doordeck.com